搜索 Kerson

  • 欧美剧剧情
  • 阿奇博奇的下一件重要的事是一只鸡的非凡冒险。阿鸡的兄弟姐妹们都各自发现了他们的“大事”,只有阿鸡的计划是吃午餐。有一天,他收到一张神秘的卡片,上面写着“你的大事就在这里!”,此后,一切都发生了变化。他和好友蜜蜂,拿着这张卡片,开始了一段奇妙的旅程,希望找到他的下一个大事。这是一个值得我们思考的故事,虽然寻找下一件大事是…
  • 欧美剧脱口秀
    A series of no-holds-barred comedy from the likes of rising comics like Big Jay Oakerson, Joey Diaz, Liza Treyger, Yamaneika Saunders, Christina P. and Brad Williams.
  • 太平洋战争烈日灼鹰
    Dive into the War in the Pacific like never before with this 10-part series chronicling the fight from prior to Pearl Harbor up until the last bomb was dropped. Featuring combat footage and interviews with veterans from both sides, learn about their experiences and perspectives from America's war with Japan as 2015 rec…
  • 健身强人
    The show will feature ten men and ten women looking to improve their fitness who will be paired with trainers specializing in strength and conditioning. Like with The Biggest Loser, the series will chronicle the contestants' transformation as they get eliminated until a winner is named.
  • 美利坚合众国,标榜着自由与民主的国家。看似荒废青春的年轻人们,心中怀有不逊于其他任何国家同龄人的爱国情怀。他们无论男女,永远报名参军,为祖国尽自己一份绵薄之力。这群曾服役于军队的女孩们,心中既有无限自豪,也有不堪回首的悲惨过去。据统计,曾有20%的女性在军队期间遭遇性侵犯,而每年的举报数字逐级上升,丝毫没有得到有效抑制。…
  • 源自创作歌手韦斯·柯林汉的音乐灵感,SIRONIA是个关于一位才华横溢却不断被好莱坞音乐机制折磨的音乐家的故事。因为职业生涯受挫,托马斯·费舍尔和他的妻子莫莉冲动地收拾行装搬到德州的小城镇Sironia与小舅子一家同住,希望能过上更真实愉悦的生活,并顺利生育抚养第一个孩子。尽管环境发生了变化,托马斯仍然对逝去的梦想抱有深深的怨念,并…
  • GUNG HO! is the true story of a special battalion picked from the toughest men in the U.S Marines and given the dangerous mission of recapturing Japanese-held islands in the South Pacific during World War II. Hollywood tough guy Randolph Scott stars as their commander, Colonel Thorwald, who recruits and trains the sold…
  • The Electric Company is an educational American children's television series that was produced by the Children's Television Workshop (now called Sesame Workshop) for PBS in the United States. PBS broadcast 780 episodes over the course of its six seasons from October 25, 1971 to April 15, 1977. After it ceased productio…