- Soon after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Lena, from the former East Germany, plans a trip to Hollywood. She has planned her itinerary to the minute, but when her bag is switched at the airport and she looses the name of her hotel, all her plans are thrown into chaos, and she finds herself in the middle of a typical Holl…
- 追踪谭盾和李安合作《卧虎藏龙》的过程,在纽约、湖南取景,大提琴家Maya Beiser,歌唱家Elizabeth Keusch,指挥家Erik E. Ochsner在纪录片中出镜。该纪录片获03年蒙特利尔艺术电影节最佳人物纪录片。
- Marshall Lawson loses his strike-team in a cold-blooded and seemingly random attack. After this he takes it upon himself to investigate the suspicious circumstances of the brutal killings. Soon he uncovers CTX Majestic, a covert military operation so secret, that now the military wants Marshall eliminated. Resolute in …
- Workaholic hotel architect effectively drifted apart from his family. He interrupts the latest, Moroocan project to spend a holiday with his wife Liane in Lisbon, but is delayed. Friendly local interior decorator João, a widower, enjoys hosting her. learning she's lonely to, he successfully seduces her with his persona…