- 2019年是经典科幻片《异形》上映40周年纪念。亚历山大·欧·菲利普倾心力作解密异形的源起。从最原始的构思和草图,以及丹·欧班农原初的29页剧本说起,探索佐杜洛夫斯基、寄生学、希腊与埃及神话、地下漫画的诸多影响。影片有着丰富的内容、深刻的探讨,是一场科幻电影迷不可错过的盛宴。
- 颇负盛名的考古学专家高梦文儿时曾被盗墓团伙的老掌眼收养,成为了一名盗墓贼。他不耻义父所为,向公安机关举报了盗墓团伙的一次重要行动,却因此导致义父惨死,自己被迫远走他乡。多年后,因参与警方组织的文物鉴定工作,高梦文再次回到随州。他意外发现一块古玉酷似自己当年与妻子交换过的定情信物。高梦文暗中探访,终于得知,重病去世的前妻…
- The Polish-Hungarian coproduction by Sebastian Buttny. The action of the film occurs in the 80's, Poland. Andrzej Baran, a Citizens' Militia lieutenant, is assigned to the most difficult case he has ever had to face in his career. Nobody seems to want him to solve the mystery. The main cast includes Mateusz Kościukiewi…
- It follows NBC News correspondents as they eamine the final day of a victim's life: the split-second decisions and pivotal moments that made the difference between life and death.