搜索 Kiku

  • 恐怖片
    Miyu went to Seoul, Korea to study and look for her older sister who went missing two years ago. One day Miyu got to know Hana who was a famous plastic surgeon and she reminded of her missing sister. Hana lives with her lover Hyoshin, but she got attracted by Miyu. And Nyoshin felt jealous of Miyu. Miyu thought that Ha…
  • 剧情片
    CAN witnesses a murder in a small town.The police don't allow him to leave after his testimony.On the other hand,a quarantine is declared due to rabid dogs.The whole town turns into purgatory with no exit is almost at the edge of insanity.
  • 日本剧冒险
    都会から引っ越してきた高校1年生の鶴木陽渚は生き物が苦手なインドア派。 堤防を散歩中、先輩の黒岩と出会ったのをきっかけに謎の「ていぼう部」に入部させられ釣りをはじめることに。 個性豊かな部員たちに支えられ、次第に釣りの楽しさに気づいていく。
  • 欧美剧剧情
    暑假到来,自幼丧父的小学三年级学生正男(关口雄介饰),如今和奶奶生活在一起,暑假特别无聊。他拿出母亲从外地寄回的信,准备自己一个人去爱知县丰桥市看望母亲。  邻居阿姨(岸本加世子饰)发现后,决定帮正男完成心愿。她拿出一笔钱做为旅费,还安排游手好闲的老公菊次郎(北野武饰)陪伴正男一起踏上寻母之途。可是在第一天,菊次郎就把…