搜索 Kishor

  • This story is about a man who drinks and wakes up in the morning with a girl whom he does not know. When he gradually starts to fall in love with her, he must choose between love and practicality.
  • Hari (Ram), a DJ in Vizag, proposes to many girls none of them accept his love. One day he sees a beautiful girl Sailaja (Keerthi Suresh) and also impresses her but doesn't propose to her fearing that he would be rejected. Hari spends some good times with Sailaja and right when he proposes his love, she rejects him poi…
  • 阿比朗(Jr . NTR),伦敦富豪沙布拉曼亚姆的小儿子,他辞去工作,开了自己的公司KMC,经营管道产品。他的父亲沙布拉曼亚姆患有胰腺晚期病,而且只有大约一个月或更长点时间的寿命。沙布拉曼亚姆透露了他的真名是拉梅什·钱德拉·普拉萨德,他是伦敦最富有的企业家之一,因为一个 邪恶的骗子克里希纳·穆蒂,让他失去了所有的财富。后来,他被迫将…
  • 故事从一桩谋杀案开始。在一个村子里,昌德鲁萨卡尔·格瓦达(Sharan饰)是一位领导人,其实也就是村里一些游手好闲以及无职业者自行拉拢起来的带有讽刺意味的一个组织。他都失恋10次了,第11次恋情是爱上一个高中老师。艾西瓦娅(Raksha饰)是村里德高望重的村长希瓦鲁德·格瓦达(Ravishankar饰)最小的女儿,也是昌德鲁暗恋的老师的学生。艾…
  • 這部是寶萊塢電影"偶滴神啊"的泰盧固語版本,劇情跟印地語版的雷同。   一個不相信神卻靠神賺錢的人,一次地震摧毀了他的賴以為生的商店,原以為可以得到保險理賠,卻落空了。   他決定要起訴地震的始作俑者—神,這場訴訟最後能如他所願嗎?奎師那的出現又會對他的人生造成什麼影響呢?
  • Naag Raj Darbari and his associate Shyam Kumar Talwari rule over a small community in India with an iron hand. When former military officer, Subhash, comes home to his mother and sister, he is appalled at the conditions that the community is living in, and decides to do everything possible to improve their lot. This ge…
  • 一个下雨的夜晚,一位老太太被杀害,同她住一起的是Sushma医生。同样的夜晚,Krishna被发现受伤躺在马路上,Ranjit Kapoor 负责调查这件谋杀案。另一方面,Krishna被Sushma救了,但是因为意外事故,他失去了记忆,Sushma把他带回了家里,很快地,俩人坠入了爱河,结了婚。有次,当Krishna在拍照时出点意外,他跌倒了,感到头痛,慢慢地,他恢复…
  • The idea behind Ya Rab is to show how Islam has been used as a tool to propagate terrorism. The film focuses on issues where so called self proclaimed Maulanas (Islamic Preachers) misinterpret The Quran and its real meaning to breed terrorists and terrorist activity. Ya Rab is a genuine effort to show the right face of…