搜索 Koa

  • S.P.I is entering its third season as the most watched Paranormal Hunting program with its Halloween premiere. The team is investigating a haunted garage/basement on secluded property and prepping to create some soaring ratings with scary content. Upon investigation however, they see that what they all fabricate, may i…
  • 科幻片
  • Every year the Brothers of the Delta Chi Alpha fraternity initiate new members at their secluded cabin in the forest. Mimicking the rite-of-passage ritual of the Blood, the Native American Tribe that once lived on the land, the Brothers ditch their initiates in the dark forest on a moonless night to be judged by the sp…
  • とあるアパートの一室で、殺人事件が起こった。被害者は、坂井久子という電話交換嬢。株券も通帳も手をつけずに置かれてある。聞きこみをするうち、被害者は株券を買いこんでいたこと、同じビルに勤めている須貝という男と交際中であったこと、医大の生理学教室で博士研究をしている男とも付き合いがあったことがわかった。また、無記名投資信託…
  • A genre-defying comedy about the unreliability of memory. It deconstructs its own narrative as it crisscrosses between fiction, documentary and dreams. The film is a series of interlinking puzzles - an unsolved Hollywood murder; the search for the origins of a legendary joke; and the mystery of why the filmmaker's own …
  • 本片为摇滚歌手郑俊英的纪实型真人秀,记录了郑俊英为第一张专辑筹备的全过程。
  • 剧情片喜剧
  • 『家族ゲーム』の森田芳光が脚本を手がけ、『犯され志願』の中原俊監督がメガホンを取り、結婚3年目の夫婦に訪れた危機を描いたエロティック・ドラマ。1983年、劇場公開。R指定作品。人形会社に勤める秀樹は、京子と結婚してから3年、浮気一つしないできた。ある日、会社の同僚でキャリア・ウーマンの知美が秀樹にモーションをかけてきた。独身…
  • Fabulous High is a new, independently produced, LGBT series that focuses on the lives of several high school characters, facing the realities of teenagers today. Fabulous High incorporates LGBT themes, stories, and characters; however, the series also focuses on hot societal issues and topics. The fast paced and quick …