搜索 Koch

  • Giant Dragon fights, giant monster fights and some kung fu in this fantasy epic from Taiwan also known as Prince of the Dragon King. The dragon turns into human form early on in the movie and goes on some magical quest.
  • On April 30, 2010, six reality television show contestants spent seven nights in an abandoned and haunted asylum. The show never aired but an editor for the network was able to piece together some footage. The prize for staying all seven nights was a share of one million dollars that was to be split amongst any contest…
  • Segments from eight of the leading indie horror filmmakers including Tim Ritter, Brad Sykes, Donald Farmer, Todd Sheets, Chris Seaver, Ron Bonk, and Marcus Koch. Each director was
  • 法国审计员阿兰(格莱戈尔·科林 Gregoire Colin 饰)抵达纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫机场,但让他感到困惑的是,这个机场看似没有飞机、没有乘客,却仍然坚持运营。受到各种压力的影响,阿兰的任务是评估这个机场是否能够对公众开放。随着他深入调查,阿兰逐渐了解到纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的另一面,这是大多数人所不知的。他被这里居民的坚持和固执所感动,…
  • 纪录片恐怖
    本片将讲述斯大林葬礼的“宏伟、恐怖且怪诞”的场面。这将是洛兹尼察最新的蒙太奇电影,基于档案影像,他将在今年晚些时候完工。他表示:“我一直在研究一部于1953年3月5日至8日拍摄的电影,这部电影导演包括谢尔盖·格拉西莫夫(Сергей Герасимов)和伊利亚·科帕林(Илья Копалин),但是电影在苏联政府内部观影过…
  • 心理分析师塞尔玛离开巴黎,回到突尼斯老家开了一家小型精神病诊所。然而,一系列困难从她诊所开张的第一天就开始发生了,她该如何去迎接这些挑战。由获得法国最佳女演员奖,被评为最有潜力的青年演员格什菲·法拉哈尼出演心理分析师,这将是她又一次演技的大突破。
  • 事业一路攀升的OL裴儿(Pympan Chalayanacupt 饰)突然发现自己怀有身孕,几经思虑,她决定辞职和同居男友阿平(Vittaya Wasukraipaisan 饰)结婚,并搬到空气清新的郊外,全身心等待新生命的到来。婚后的生活平淡无奇,波澜不惊。就在离预产期还有一星期的时候,隔壁阿班加的熊熊大火及现场的惨状令裴儿受到惊吓,提前生产。不幸中的万幸,裴儿…
  • Love and politics were inseparable in the 80s, especially in West Germany, where friends, lovers and families would chant anti-imperialist slogans in endless protest marches. Politics, however, is the last thing on the minds of Ingo and Nadia on this winter weekend in 1983. They've come to Nadia's mountain cabin to dis…
  • 欧美剧喜剧
    这既是一部单机位情景喜剧,也是一部音乐喜剧,有些人将它看做《传说》(Once Upon A Time)和《音乐之乡》(Nashville)的结合体。著名作曲家Alan Menken和作词家Glenn Slater将为该剧谱写原创歌曲。故事描述Richard国王偷走了Ga lavant(Joshua Sasse)最心爱的女人Madalena(Mallory Jansen),Galavant发誓要…
  • 恐怖片灾难