搜索 Kristóf

  • It's really too bad about American Roots Music. So many of us have been aching for an intelligent and comprehensive series on the subject. Sadly, this isn't it. Initially broadcast via PBS, many of the PBS stations didn't even pick it up since it was of such little substance and production values.Those of us who know m…
  • The manager of the country crate factory have TV cameras installed in the women's dressing room. He and his friends amuse themselves by watching the women dressing. When the workers discover the cameras they decide to go on strike. Written by Tamas Patrovics
  • 凯博思(小佩德罗·阿门达雷兹 Pedro Armendáriz Jr. 饰)是一个冷酷无情,唯利是图的商人,他的眼中只有利益没有感情,因此得罪了很多人,树敌无数。某日,凯博思发现自己心爱的女儿宝林娜(安娜·克劳迪亚·塔兰康 Ana Claudia Talancón 饰)竟然在偷偷的在和自己的手下贾科(托尼·道尔顿 Tony Dalton 饰)约会,愤怒的凯博思发…
  • 菲律宾编导Miko Jacinto继“洗礼- 失去的纯真”后推出的最新同志题材影片,今年初在菲律宾电影院正式上映。肉色生香的主流表演手法下,用极少的对话刻画了一个三人男人为爱努力,受煎熬,而互相支撑的故事:瑞尼有自己的事业,却迟迟没有女友。虽然阿姨极力为他撮合介绍,但是都无结果。奶奶的突然心脏病发作,昏迷不醒,更是让他有些无奈。但是…
  • 导演Torun Lian以细致敏锐的写实手法和灵活的运镜描绘出一位小女孩悲伤失落的复杂情感,让全片充满甜中带涩的深思。片首以「童画」带出片名及演职员表,极富缤纷多彩童趣般的创意,两位挑大梁的非演员Thea Sofie Rusten(Marie)与Jan Tore Kristoffersen(Jacob)更以生活化的演技精准地诠释出孩童天真易感的心思。此外,片中几个播放家庭录影…
  • 恐怖片
  • Thank You For Your Service tackles the mental health crisis in the military and addresses specific solutions to reducing stigma both within the military and within the larger culture. We also tell the story of incredibly resilient veterans whose struggles and triumphs are chronicled in the film. With interviews from th…
  • 一群朋友需繞遠路而行,他們將要通過德克薩斯州的農村,但不幸的是,他們遇到了揮舞著振動器的殘忍屠夫,接下來發生的,是超越任何人的最黑暗的恐怖想象......恐怖, 劇情片, 美乳, 美臀, 美腿, 金髮, 黑髮, 濃精沐浴, 三明治(二女一男),