搜索 Kristoffersen

  • 导演Torun Lian以细致敏锐的写实手法和灵活的运镜描绘出一位小女孩悲伤失落的复杂情感,让全片充满甜中带涩的深思。片首以「童画」带出片名及演职员表,极富缤纷多彩童趣般的创意,两位挑大梁的非演员Thea Sofie Rusten(Marie)与Jan Tore Kristoffersen(Jacob)更以生活化的演技精准地诠释出孩童天真易感的心思。此外,片中几个播放家庭录影…
  • Frida is different. Self chosen different. Marius, on the other hand is the most perfect boy in class, and likes to show off. When they have to work together at school, it's the start of a turbulent and challenging relationship. Generation Achievement meets impossible love.