- Helsinki based duo Pink Twins, Juha and Vesa Vehviläinen, have worked in the fields of media art, moving image and electronic music since 1997. The boundaries of human perception, immersion and physicality are central to their works. Pink …
- Mieczysław Jahoda, a cameraman and pioneer of photographic techniques, was a champion of mood creation. The film is a reminiscence about the author of such Polish classics as "Knights of the Teutonic Order", "The Manuscript …
- Heart Cocktail Colorful is based on Seizou Watase's Heart Cocktail manga, which Watase wrote in the 1980s and has 11 volumes. The full color manga told love stories set in urban environments. The new manga will continue to tell love stories, but will take place in the present day. Some of the stories will include a lov…
- 伊尔汗·多甘,出生在德国的土耳其移民家庭,是家里的第三个小孩。三个孩子在母亲离家出走后寄居于土耳其的舅舅家,因为亲生父亲也说无法照料三个小孩。好在舅舅艾哈迈德和舅妈梅拉哈特把他们当自己孩子一样对待,尤其是舅妈,更是视如己出。但毕竟他们还是孩子,对妈妈的思念还是深入骨髓。他们以为妈妈离开他们是因为不爱他们,然而真相是否如…