搜索 Ku

  • <p>  Four 18-year-old girls Jessica, Jenny, Taru and Aino are on the verge of adulthood as they lose their innocence and, at times, their faith. based on the story of four 18-year-old girls from Helsinki who kept provocative video di…
  •   民不聊生的战乱时期,暹罗都城被敌人占领,人民四处逃散。一个名叫西恩的青年带领一支为数不多的军队离开都城,流浪在甘烹碧地区。但是临近的尖竹汶领主视他们为眼中钉、肉中刺,不断派出军队清扫这只所谓的叛军。尖竹汶领主手下的智囊坤拉姆不断施展阴谋,引诱离间领主发动战争,以谋求机会取而代之。为了减少领主的外援,坤拉姆杀死了北方…
  • Bernhard, the father of Julian, Dick and Anne organized an exhibition to Egypt. Here, discover the friends after an attempted burglary an old gold amulet. So they fly with Elena, a colleague of his father, to Cairo. In Cairo Julian's father falls into a trap and is then accused of theft. Until the trial, he goes to jai…
  •   Ror是一个年轻的黑市卖家,他热衷于鼓秋古玩和二手货物。他相信一个叫做“Deadstock"的古物十分珍贵,能让他赚到一大笔钱。然后,必须等到最佳时机卖掉,才能挣到钱。因此,Ror将全部时间都花在了Deadstock上了,而忽略了与他女朋友Ann的关系。他不懂爱情是什么,爱情不同于Dearstock,爱情需要的是关心而不是等待。
  •   Toni Zweyer过着自己想要的生活。她是卡车司机Andy的贤妻,13岁孩子Lea的慈母,和丈夫共同经营自己家的货运生意。但当得知丈夫Andy死于车祸时,一切都改变了。公司债务日益沉重,她与孩子已别无他路,Toni只能自己握住了18吨卡车的方向盘。她很快意识到,跑国际长途货运对一个新手来说,是多么的残酷艰难。Toni一直觉得他的丈夫尚存人间…
  •   一名青年在梦中穿越进安南非-哥拉战争的战场,从而得以更加了解参加过这场战争的父亲
  •   Young boy with autism causes of hardships for his old parents, as his father isn`t accepting the fact that he is different from the rest while his mother is trying her best to fit his needs. His mother later finds the right people to hel…
  • <p>  二战末期,轴心国败局已定,作为“邪恶轴心”一员的日本更面临巨大危机。亚太战场节节失利,两颗原子弹进一步摧毁了日本人的心理防线。作为日本最高统帅的裕仁天皇(尾形一成 饰),此时此刻面临着痛苦的抉择。<br/>  黑云压城城欲摧,这个身形瘦小的男人,他的内心世界无人能近……<br/>  本片为俄罗斯导演亚…
  • <p>  萨马尔•阿南德少校(沙鲁克•汗 Shahrukh Khan 饰)是个排雷防爆的专家,在军队中保持着自己的拆弹记录。他每天的工作穿梭于生死边缘,坦然面对生死的他却从不穿防护设备。意外救下了少女阿琪拉•拉耶(安努舒卡•莎玛 Anushka Sharma 饰),遗留的日记本里记忆的爱情故事让这个女孩对萨马尔深深着迷。利用探索频道实习生的身份,…
  •   THE GAME WARDEN is a surreal dark-comedy about the life of Dan, a Wildlife Officer who suffers from severe anxiety and grief after a bear attack claims the life of his son.