搜索 Kyeo

  • 剧情片剧情
    ???19? ??? ??. ???? ? ??? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?? ???. ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??. ?? ? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?? ??? ????, ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??.
  • 恐怖片历史
    一幅失传了四百年之久的名画最近在韩国突然露面,震惊全国,在韩国最大的画廊悲文画廊总裁裴泰珍(严正花 饰)的主持之下,对于这幅名画的修复工作如火如荼的展开,如果修复成功,这幅画作就将进入拍卖行进行拍卖,极有可能打破韩国历史上最高艺术品价格的记录。裴泰珍找来了技艺绝伦的名画复原专家李江俊(金来沅 饰),然而,李江俊是一位虔诚…
  • 爱情片剧情
    科尔(扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron 饰)从小就立志成为一名音乐制作人,如今,他是一名电音DJ,很显然,科尔正在凭借着自己的努力,一步一步的向着梦想迈进。DJ詹姆斯(韦斯·本特利 Wes Bentley 饰)亦曾经有过一段和科尔相似的青涩岁月,他迷惘过,放纵过,狂妄过,在经历了挫折和困难的洗礼之后,詹姆斯终于成为了一名成功的音乐人,拥有了科尔幻…
  • 剧情片动画
    「就算地球今天要被毁灭,也要给我完成配音工作才能离开!」「超狂!超疯!超现实喜剧 诞生!!!」曾经有个时期,配音演员的地位非常重要,无论是动画、广播剧、纪录片,或各种需要旁白的电影,但曾几何时,他们的地位渐渐不保,开始被没有专业配音技术的明星、甚至是网红、YouTuber给取代,越来越少的机会留给他们,这些正统的配音演员为了争…
  • 纪录片生活
  • Two elderly neighbors on very bad terms, find themselves forced to deal with one another as their children have fallen in love.
  • Kachusa, a high official in the communist regime of North Korea, falls in love with a young man attending Kim Il-sung University. He, however, makes love to a co-ed in his department. Kachusa catches him in the act and has him arrested and tortured for his betrayal.
  • Fashion designer Sharman Choi succeeds with the backing of Ms. Kim Mun-ja. However, Sharman gets enthralled with the Korean-American Ju Eun-mong and betrays Mun-ja. Mun-ja truly loved Sharman. But she ends up getting killed by Byun Su-rin. Sharman also feels threatened by the demonic love of Su-rin. He plans to escape …
  • "I want to be yours tonight..."   Three men from a social club get together for intimate reasons, then a cute and sexy girl happens to fall in front of them!   'A sexy and rich' guy who has to go to the military giving up his sch…
  • Yong-pal returns from his grandmother's funeral with a video tape of her will to be played for his family. He is also carrying an invaluable, centuries-old, porcelain treasure. His back gets switched with that of a smuggler who immediately makes plans to sell off the artifact to the highest bidder. Yong-pal and his bro…