搜索 Kyeong

  • 火辣的故事展开。1998年春季大学大礼堂的第一SEX 2006年春季开始,认为自己命中注定的另一半的敞篷车上的SEX为止。五个不同的SEX后,可怕的失眠困扰的男人”的“他之前关系的女人们的呐喊的困扰,入睡。他把自己的女人对爱情呢?SEX呢,陷入深深的苦恼。
  • An unmarried man in his mid-thirties meets a homeless woman. He allows her to live with him. In return, she must do the household chores. However, to avoid trouble from their conservative landlord, they must pass themselves off as married.
  • After the owner of a toy factory is hospitalized, his business partners liquidate the company and run away with the money. In an effort to help, his wife invests their remaining money, only to fall victim to a fraud which leaves them penniless.
  • 但去朋友家睡觉姐姐朋友…! 人气作家色说不能玩的内情! “前辈,一时冲动和亲姐姐的朋友”、“性感”等网上系列的作家色说人气阿德。现实高考补习班讲师兼新春文艺当选梦想的生计型作家东明。有一天,他的面前初恋素妍出现。他写的小说中的“前辈多和因赌气就性感”的着作权的主张,并展开其间分享收益的!本来初恋失败后,李炤燕并憎恨扭曲的여성관…
  • Eun-gi's eventful life in a boarding house has begun with the three ladies: a sexy owner of a boarding house, her daughter who is even sexier, and his innocent first love. Eun-gi, a freshman, has found his new place in a boarding house operated by mother and daughter when he came to Seoul to study. His only pleasure is…
  • Hui-Yong is a childish father who has never played a role of father.One day, he realizes that he will die of cancer soon.He sets out to find his son with Seung-Cheol, a childhood friend, before he dies. The son is getting out of prison.He is reunited with his son for the first time in four years. But the son stares at …
  • A senior in highschool becomes determined to enter a certain university because of her infatuation with a self-centered baseball player who attends there
  • 雍女是朝鲜最性感的女人,论性技与美貌,世上没有女人是她的对手,同时也没有一个男人能够满足她的热烈欲火。雍女的费洛蒙像是爆发的长白山,魅惑了身边所有男人的心智,让他们嗑了再多高丽人参也难逃精尽人亡的淫劫!太过性感的罪刑,就是遭到其他女人的攻讦,雍女被迫离开家乡,孤苦无依的她内心寂寞,直到遇上天赋异禀的奇男子卞岗。
  • 韩国剧悬疑
  • 韩国剧剧情
    李子京(尹晶喜 饰)的养母金培德(朴海美 饰)不务正业好吃懒做,为了满足养母的各种非分要求,李子京年纪轻轻就负债累累,为了还债,她在课余时间找了一份化妆师的兼职,用以补贴家用。在工作中,李子京结识了名为清河(赵延宇 饰)的演员,随着时间的推移,两人之间产生了真挚的感情,渐渐走到了一起,然而,清河的真实身份,竟然是金培德的…