- 大都会歌剧院高清转播系列,瓦格纳的四联剧《尼伯龙人的指环》,前夜剧《莱茵的黄金》在2011年10月8日首度向全美直播,此次直播的录像在2013年11月底在上海大剧院以及上海艺术人文频道进行剧场放映和电视播出。
- In a distant future, mankind has transformed into a society completely reduced to the intellect. Living in an obscure system of immense spaces, people can only be distinguished from one another by their different social positions. Only one among them still has the gift to sense emotions. For this ability he is admired,…
- Deutschland is under the power of Rome; the heartless Empire, ever in need of new conquests, is merciless and its legions pillage and sack throughout the land with deep Gallic hatred. Hermann, son of the Cherusci prince Segimer, is a hostage at the service of Rome and has been given the name of "Armin." Ultim…
- 凯瑟琳娜大帝正处于权力的巅峰,当被奴役的人民在他们的专制统治下流血时,贵族们效仿他们的沙皇,沉溺于猖獗的暴行。人们给她起了一个绰号:圣彼得堡的妓女凯瑟琳娜,这并非没有道理。