搜索 Köppe

  • A young gay man struggling with O.C.D. white-knuckles his way through a Grindr date and makes a mess of things.
  • 剧情片剧情
    在女孩温蒂(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 Michelle Williams 饰)平凡的人生中,狗狗露西是她最好以及最信任的朋友,那些无法和家长倾诉的苦恼的困惑,温蒂能够很轻易的向露西倾诉。为了赚钱,温蒂决定利用暑假前往阿拉斯加州的一个工厂打工,带着露西,驾驶着一辆破旧的二手车,温蒂上路了。没想到,刚刚来到俄勒冈州,车就报废了,在荒无人烟的小镇上,…
  • When an engineers son is taken from him he stops at nothing to reunite them.
  • A biographical film of Otto von Bismarck, the Prime Minister of Prussia, and how he and his policies - including aggressive war - helped to unite Germany.
  • It’s the summer of 1981, and the long school holiday is soon to begin. For the 11 year-old Jan, that leaves precious little time for last minute adventures with his best buddies Stevie and Basti before he must leave the countryside with hi…
  • Karla邀请Katrine同她一起度假,希望她们能成为最好的朋友。但一切似乎都没有按计划进行:Karla遇见了Jonas并坠入爱河,很快把对Katrine的友情抛在脑后。但一桩突发事件的出现迫使她们把所有小矛盾暂时放下,重新联合起来。
  • A beautiful and moving film with some sequences of song and dumb-show leaving the spectator spellbound...a mix of the German sense of poetry and doom and of something almost like Bergman's Seventh Seal. Fine black and white photography, proper attention paid to every detail. Minor parts are all remarkable and even Birg…
  • 爱纵情跳舞、爱任意交欢,离经叛道的玛伦被标签为危害社会,须送进孤岛的女子感化院接受再教育。同房的索琳早被驯化,服膺权威,一心以为循规蹈矩终可获释。骨肉分离的惨痛经历使两人同病相怜,玛伦的自由灵魂令索琳逐渐觉醒,决定孤注一掷寻求出路。玛露·雷曼第二部长片作品,以真朴笔触写照丹麦三十年代暗黑历史,在优生政策下,无数不容于社…
  • 动画片生活
    米娜与爸爸约翰一直都是两人相依为命,直到爸爸遇见了他人生的新幸福 - 海伦!约翰跟海伦即将结婚,米娜也有了新姐姐珍妮,从此她的世界变得乱七八糟。珍妮又是个超坏心的女孩,一直想赶走米娜的豚鼠好朋友,米娜沮丧地不想跟新姐姐一起生活。某天晚上,米娜意外闯进梦里的...
  • A young, impoverished German woman named Hanna (Maria von Tasnady) gives her infant up for adoption and emigrates to American to live with her husband. When her husband commits suicide, Hanna returns to Germany and works her way into becoming the live-in maid and nurse to her child being raised by an orchestra conducto…