搜索 Lajçi

  • In the early '90s, the Yugoslavian Government cancelled the autonomy of Kosovo, dissolved its Parliament and closed down the National Television. All institutional life was reorganized by the new authorities, while the majority of the citizens responded with peaceful demonstrations. During this terrible time, Fadili, w…
  • 一颗陨石坠落在科索沃的一个农场后的几年,一位意大利科学家离开他的家在意大利,以追踪奇怪行为和似乎围绕这一现象发生的结果。他的旅程将他带到了一个最近被废弃的军事基地,在那里剩下的少数人变成了对人类肉体有食欲的超凡脱俗的生物。科学家很快就会发现,陨石笼罩在一个横跨人类存在的谜团中
  • I was born from the ones that I shouldn't, I lived with those that I mustn't, and I killed the one that I shouldn't.
  • 根据黑山著名作家Rexhep Qosja描写艺术家之死的小说《眼睛中的死亡》改编,导演是其兄弟Isa Qosja,同时他也是科索沃电影人的杰出代表。此片拍摄于1985年,讲述一个阿尔巴尼亚裔科索沃作家如何在南斯拉夫的极权压迫下倍受身心折磨但最终奋起抵抗极权的故事,卡夫卡式的黑暗主题。影片曾入围普拉南斯拉夫电影节,但很快就被官方抵制,连同原著一…
  • Enver Hoxha ruled Albania with an iron fist for nearly 40 years and for a long time Albania was the only Maoist regime and by far the most isolationist society in Europe - politically, psychologically and physically. This film is about Colonel Muro Neto, the man Hoxha charged with constructing the bunkers throughout th…