搜索 Lakana

  • 泰国武士汉苏一举攻陷谷美尔皇朝的都城,俘获谷美尔公主,并为之倾心。岂料谷美尔公主却早已钟情于武士汉苏早前派入谷美尔皇朝的卧底。一怒之下,汉苏下令将谷美尔公主施以火刑。得到古老符咒保佑的谷美尔公主在烈火焚身之际,灵魂出窍,并借机潜入泰国少女道的体内……
  • 3 Short Stories on the lives 3 unrelated ones. WHAT IF: a story about Songyos, an IT guy who thinks he could do anything he wants with his life no matter if it's right or wrong. THE SHADOW: Mali, a mysterious woman who's never realize how happy her life would be. FAY: a hidden secret of a rock star waiting to be uncove…
  • 《紅糖》由6位泰國知名短片導演執導,用犀利獨特的拍攝視角,講述人的不信任、欺騙、佔有慾、暴虐以及分裂,將愛情的辛酸苦辣娓娓道來。《紅糖第一部》 包含《床上交際花》、《希望》以及《愛要盡力》三部短片。《紅糖第二部》有《圈套》,《餐桌理論》以及《地球上的愛侶》。
  • A wealthy family from Calcutta is on the last day of their vacation in Darjeeling, a hill station at the foot of Mount Kanchenjungha, t he second highest peak of the Himalayas. Until now, they have been unable to catch a glimpse of the peak Kanchenjungha.The family members are dominated by the father, Indranath (Chhabi…