搜索 Lambert

  • 重金属音乐遇到了流行音乐,这样会如何呢?这是两个完全不同的领域,我们的世界是个音乐飞扬的世界。摇滚,流行,朋克太多太多,本片的重金属摇滚乐手巴克和布兰迪却走进了一家迪斯科,这些狂热者用神秘的力量改变着异己者。你有什么感想呢,不同时代的人有着甚至是敌对的观念,60年代的嬉皮士在90年代与朋克年轻人,对世界,人类,婚姻看法的差…
  • A trip on a chartered plane with a number of other thrill-seekers (most of whom are anthropomorphic fruits and vegetables) and hop from island to island, each of which offer their own unique visual delights.
  • Meeting the people behind the shocking story of British TV-personality Jimmy Savile, which after his death was accused for an extensive account of sexual child abuse during his working period at BBC.
  • ‘Wider perspectives are needed now,’ states David Hockney, referencing both technical ways of seeing and the parameters of what we choose to view, in this spirited documentary spanning the artist’s career. Director Randall Wright – whose p…
  • 电玩特工
  • 绅士联盟第三季
    Series 3 (2002)The third and final series focused on a different character each week but with the overlaps creating a more complex layering of the plot, more akin to a one-off episode of a situation comedy (albeit with intertwined plots) than a traditional sketch show. The end of each episode features a white van swerv…
  • 野探哈莉第一季
    A recently retired English professor discovers a real knack for investigation and cannot help but interfere with the cases assigned to her police detective son.
  • 荒野大追捕第一季
    前海豹队队长乔尔·兰伯特与世界上最精锐的追踪队伍展开较量。 在每一集中,乔尔都面临着一项艰巨的任务:被弃未知的荒野,除了基本的生存工具和饮用水,他仅有36个小时达到预定的撤离点,而且每周都将有一只跟踪队伍对他进行跟踪。 在那些偏僻诡异但跟踪队却如履平地的地方,乔尔必须设陷阱,分散追踪队注意力,从而躲避追踪。此外,他还要利用…
  • 欧美剧剧情