- While visiting Ypres, Sachin learns that 1.4 million Indians were conscripted by the British to fight on the Flanders Fields during the First World War. Using audio recordings, letters, songs and archives, he brings his anonymous ancestors back to life, like ghosts inlaid in an immovable winter landscape.
- 少女在马戏团里迷上了帅气的空中飞人,两人双双跌入太阳马戏团的奇幻世界,开始了一段奇妙的旅程。他们置身于如梦幻遥远国度美轮美奂的场景中,穿越不同的马戏世界,历经重重的困难,寻找彼此。
- 《揭开面纱:好莱坞的跨性别人生》以前所未有、令人大开眼界的方式探讨了电影和电视剧中对跨性别者的描绘,揭示了好莱坞如何同时反映和制造我们对性别最深层的焦虑。包括拉弗恩·考克斯、莉莉·沃卓斯基、恩斯·福特、MJ·罗德里格斯、杰米·克莱顿和查兹·波诺在内的跨性别思想家和创意人士,分享了他们对一些好莱坞经典片段的反应和抗拒。通过…
- 美国导演吉普·安德森希望通过这部纪录片探索畜牧业对生态环境的影响和与荒漠化、污染及其他环境问题的关联。在看过2006年上映的环境保护电影《难以忽视的真相》后,导演吉普·安德森成为了一名环保主义者。他在日常生活中开始循环利用物资、随手关灯、节约用水并经常骑车上班、低碳出行。就在2014年,他发现了一个自己从未关注过、关于环境保护…
- The anxiety attacks that Jakob has suffered since he was 21 overcome him intensely when he is at his most vulnerable: holding his newborn baby in his arms. Thinking back to his childhood, and wondering if this anxiety runs in the family, the filmmaker visits his father, a taciturn hunter. Tentatively, a deeper contact …