- 沖縄戦のさなか最北端の離島・伊平屋島を舞台に、漂流していたところを島民に救出された日本の将校・飯井敏雄と、2人の米兵との、敵・味方ではなく一人の人間として向き合う不思議な友情を描く。戦禍の中でもたくましく生きる島民たちとの触れ合いは、日米の兵士たちの心を動かしていたが…。
- Exécutée à Paris par le jeune sculpteur Auguste Bartholdi (1834 -1904) avec la collaboration de l’ingénieur Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) pour la charpente métallique, la statue colossale de la Liberté éclairant le monde fut offerte par la …
- Composer and musician Neil Brand presents a series which explores the magical elements that come together to create our favourite songs.
- Historian Orlando Figes presents the extraordinary story of the relationship between photographer Sergei Mikhailovich Produkin-Gorskii and the last Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II. A pioneer in colour photography, Gorskii's pictures offer a unique record of a culture swept away by the Bolshevik revolution of 1917.
- The story of the son of a coach-maker with a highly developed sense of the macabre, who ended up rivalling Shakespeare. John Webster's life was shadowy and his plays darkly imagined - it was once said that he 'saw the skull beneath the skin'. But his masterpiece The Duchess Of Malfi is one of the jewels of the English …
- Inside Out is a film about the french artist JR giving away his method and the inspiring stories that follow that. JR wins the TED Prize 2011. He gives his prize (the wish to 'turn the world Inside Out') and his art back to the people, creating a global participatory art project inviting people to stand up for what the…