- The history is initiated in August of the 2002, in a meeting where Nicolas Petrov reads the sentence emitted by the Pan-American Cut of Human Rights, situated in Costa Rica, by means of which all State Venezuelan is ordered to compensate the relatives and victims of the events of February 27, to perform an effective in…
- 墨西哥城,人口最密集的发展中国家城市,罗兰多•维拉宗就出生在这里,他从一个平凡的孩子成长为当今新一代首席男高音。纪录片导演深入墨西哥城嘈杂的街道,喧闹的集市和民间歌舞,维拉宗就读的德语学校,他首次成名的墨西哥城市立剧院。维拉宗成为这次返乡之旅的最佳向导,在实地,向观众讲述他成长的故事:“从前,在墨西哥……”该片参加200…
- This film examines the creation and exhibition of the propaganda film I Am Cuba, a Soviet/Cuban collaboration unknown in the West until the 1990s.