搜索 LeAnn

  • 恐怖片恐怖
    某大学实验室,在一次针对爱尔兰中世纪文化的考古过程中,谢拉·惠兰教授(马歇尔·贝尔 Marcelle Baer 饰)和助手们偶然发现一个制作精巧的盒子。他们小心打开盒子,却发现里面竟是一颗丑陋怪异的头颅。更为恐怖的是,头颅发出恐怖的吼叫,致令实验室的器材遭到破坏,现场的人员也受到不同程度的损害。然而一切还未结束,他们仓促鲁莽的举止释…
  • Meet Etta Milford. Loving Wife. Doting Mother. Armed Robber. Etta's husband constantly blows their money on make-shift inventions...
  • 托普姐妹花是新西兰最好的女同性恋乡村和西部歌手,是继羊排和《指环王》电影三部曲之后新西兰最伟大的出口。
  • 内特(艾迪·斯比安 Eddie Cibrian 饰)被调往了一座地处偏远的小镇,在那里当警长,小镇宁静而又平和的慢节奏生活让内特很快就爱上了这里,找到了归属感。没过多久,内特就和一位名叫玛姬(黎安·莱姆丝 LeAnn Rimes 饰)的女孩坠入了情网之中,这给他本就闲散的生活又平添了一份惬意。玛姬的父亲失踪已经十五年之久了,某日,老人的尸体忽然被…
  • 恐怖片恐怖
    It follows Lara as she seeks treatment from a congregation of zealots, where an exorcist will try to save her soul by making an innocent woman go through hell.
  • 提姆在鄰居眼中是位孤僻怪老頭,他總是閉門不出,過著完全與世隔絕的生活,但隔壁一對熱心情侶-尼克和瓊仍常常來探訪他,幫忙採買生活用品。某天,提姆收到房子法拍通知書,他的周遭也開始陸續出現許多無法解釋的可怕事件,尼克和瓊亦被捲入其中,而他們發現所有的靈異現象都出現在提姆入睡之後…
  • Against the backdrop of New York and New Orleans, Elliott, Leanne and Jermaine question their ability to dream amidst a crumbling economic climate. Opening in the streets of downtown Manhattan, Elliott (23), living at home after college, is surrounded by incomplete projects, frustrated and in search of purpose. Simulta…
  • 纪录片
  • LeAnn&EddieSeason1
    One the red carpet of Eddie's film premiere for the Best Man Holiday, Eddie and LeAnne face the latest tabloid rumors that they are involved in a 50 Million-Dollar divorce.
  • 花花公子网络女郎
    An exclusive look at the best glamour models from the US and around the world. Discover the most glamorous, beautiful women during their photo-shoot and behind the scenes as they share their passions and desires.