A delusional misfit becomes suicidal when his favorite TV show is cancelled. An agent promises to make him a TV star if he kills certain people, so he becomes "The Baby Mask Killer."
<p> 年过半百的唐·琼斯顿(比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray 饰)一生拥有数不尽的浪漫恋情和风流韵事,但他从来无意组建家庭,只愿享受热恋的激情,任凭一个个出色的女性从身边流走,展开别样的人生。这一天,唐收到一封某前女友的来信,信中称继承了他血脉的儿子离家出走,正踏上一段寻父旅程。万千情愫,难以言喻,唐也展开一段倒溯之旅。他…
Jane, a high school teenager, tries to deal with the discovery that she is a lesbian after developing an intense friendship with another girl who makes her discover her true sexuality, which is only the start of Jane's troubles when Jane…
来自南太平洋萨摩亚群岛的体育记者杜克(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 饰)和他的律师朋友刚佐博士(本尼西奥·德·托尔 Benicio Del Tore 饰)一起开车前往拉斯维加斯,寻找他们的“美国梦”。一路上,他们带了大量毒品和酒精,也遇到形形色色的人,药物作用下,许多迷乱和癫狂的画面出现,让他们分不清幻觉和现实,到底哪个更残破,哪个更肮…