- 一个过失是否就判定了一个人一生的罪恶?导演Robert Conway的新片《救赎》直击人类灵魂最黑暗之处。故事发生在西部,一个法律和好人没有容身之处,罪恶滋生的地方。Frank Harden是一个杀手,他对无法无天的西部早已见怪不惊。然而,因为一个悲剧的发生,他必须战胜最难应付的敌人–自己...
- Dave Purvis takes pride in being unknown to the law, though famed among fellow crooks as a planner He plots a holdup in meticulous detail; but things go wrong, a cop and two robbers are killed, and Purvis hides out with the money while Lieut. Cordell, friend of the dead cop, investigates. Purvis's new getaway plan show…