搜索 Lerma

  • 40岁的演员吉恩·雷纳德(弗朗索瓦·达米昂饰)因为完美主义倾向而事业频频受阻,正处于人生的低谷。此时在顾问的推荐下,他接到一个奇怪的工作:在一场犯罪现场模拟剧中扮演死者,法官娜奥米(杰拉丁·那喀什饰)则掌控全局。由司法人员全盘参与,意图找出案件真凶的舞台剧就此拉开序幕。
  • 科里和尼尔森终于准备要买个正经的床来换掉他们的旧床垫。第二天,科里还没到达,尼尔森独自先进了“昏昏睡”床店,溜达一番后被店员拉到一张智能床跟前,这张智能床会问一系列私人问题来分析人的睡眠习惯,从而推荐适合的床垫,而尼尔森在答完几个问题后发现这张智能床其实超级八卦,面对智能床机活泼搞笑的提问,尼尔森只能兵来将挡,水来土掩…
  • Following a group of dysfunctional adventurers on a quest to discover and destroy the mythical Sword of Fighting, JOURNEYQUEST is a comedic adventure through the fantasy world of Fartherall, where intellectual orcs, incompetent wizards, and holy zombies form the living backdrop to an epic story of unrequited love, burn…
  • Violeta仍然未决定是否与情人Mono展开一段新生活,或者两人就此分道扬镳。她在自己梦中寻找答案,向女儿的往事追溯踪迹,甚至透过自己的掌纹领悟出结果。她需要时间来思考和决定自己的命运……
  • What happens when the coolest rock star in the world is held hostage by the hottest sorority babes on campus? The most outrageously rockin? seriously sexy Sorority House Party of all time!
  • 主人公一家人搬进了一间拥有160个房间的大房子,帮Winchester家看护这间房屋。但是当一股邪恶力量诱拐了他们的女儿时,他们这才明白为什么这幢房屋会赢得“美国最凶的地方之一”的“美誉”。
  • Teenage Mari is sent to an orphanage. It's an awful and unfriendly place to be. But soon two rival leading boys both show up their interest against the girl. Which one should she fall in love with, the good or the bad one ? Unbelivable realistic picture of an orphanage-life in Soviet Union is given. Good acting.