搜索 Levan

  • 正值壯年的兒子驟逝,這對離異多年、各自再婚的六旬怨偶再度重逢。此後數月,相互安慰的兩人舊情復燃,他們瞞著家人,享受這段純純的情事。然而,事情遠比想像中複雜,過去的種種不堪也不是能輕易遺忘的。等兩人回過神來,彼此和家人都已被捲入這場愛戀的風暴之中。
  • Live footage from Bill Evan's August 9, 1980 performance recorded shortly before his untimely death. Also includes roughly 8 minutes of interview footage recorded directly after the performance
  • Anna is a fiercely independent blind woman. Her husband Carl has to sell the apartment they lived in and move in an old house in a remote location surrounded by fields. Anna is not happy there and feels even more isolated as she is most of the time all alone - but eery noises and strange facts lead her to think that so…
  • A cursed antique toy monkey from the original DeFeo home wrecks havoc and possesses a father after being gifted during an annual family reunion.
  • 生命之舞(Dance of Life), 讲述了一个喜爱芭蕾的女孩的成长历程,舞蹈如同生命本身也是一个轮回。动画采用了传统的二维手绘与实拍相结合的方式。本片是Wendy DiWang与Cristina Maul合作,2015年在英国苏格兰邓迪大学艺术学院研究生动画专业期间完成的毕业作品。http://www.bilibili.com/video/av2837909/
  • 10 beautiful actresses arrive on a luxury yacht for a mysterious and potentially lucrative audition - only to discover that the director is hiding amongst them, and has murder on her mind.
  • 剧情片历史
    数百年前,吸血鬼韦恩·格雷茨基(Adam Johnson 饰)与美丽的人类女孩玛丽(Julie Gonzalo 饰)相恋,但却不慎咬死对方,他从此也失去吸血的能力。当代社会,格雷茨基化身历史学教师在霍桑大学任教,他风趣幽默,举止怪异,得到学生们的喜爱,只有列文校长(Gary Cole 饰)知道他的秘密,并尝试为他做心理辅导。这一日,美丽的少女克莉丝(Ju…
  • 这也是一部来自荷兰的儿童题材影片,曾在今年Cinekid电影节上摘得评审团奖。九岁的小女孩Kiek担心自己的父亲,一名联合国医生会在战场上牺牲,这种担心将她带入了想象力的神奇角落。影片最值得一提的地方便是小女孩的想象世界全部通过停格动画效果来呈现。 影片片名其实是指一种荷兰的著名小吃,把法式的炸薯条蘸着沙拉酱或花生酱来吃,但却有着…
  • Maestro, a feature documentary 4 years in the making, tells the story of how a group of people found refuge and a call for life outside the mainstream, what evolved was a scene that set the ground work for what was to come in dance music culture worldwide, a rare insight into the secret underground world. It's the firs…