搜索 Levens

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  • Ulysses Lee Gooch's parents were laborers on a large southern farm in the early 1920's, and it was the farmstead owner's family who named him. He later acquired the nickname, "Rip". Early on, Rip and his mother lived with a relative in an area next to the Mississippi River referred to as, "the bottom&quo…
  • 20世纪70年代,美国纽约风起云涌。适值此时,一名犹太肉类批发商又为这个动荡的时代推波助澜。他名叫拉瑞·拉文森(Larry Levenson),脸上永远浮现和蔼可亲的笑容,他和妻子格劳瑞拉拥有一个幸福的家庭。不过,拉瑞似乎不安于现状,他和女朋友玛丽以安森尼亚旅馆为据点,合伙开设一家名为“柏拉图庄园”的俱乐部。他们鼓励已婚夫妇来此进行换妻…
  • In April 2013, chaos erupted in Boston near the finish line of one of the world's oldest and most prestigious marathons. It was the worst terrorist attack on the United States since 9/11 and led to one of the most extensive and public manhunts in American history. Now, as the one-year anniversary approaches, National G…
  • 6个青年踏上一只小船前往到卡特琳娜岛度周末。他们尽情派对,把浩瀚的大海和上涨的潮水抛在脑后。突然,悲剧袭来,将这些青年抛进看不见的恐慌中。他们努力向家驶去,但是发动机再也不能发动起来。浓雾大量涌入,迅速将船罩进无法穿透的黑暗中。黎明之前,陆地不可能再被看见。奇怪和无法解释的事件接踵而至,不断加剧着恐慌。迷失海上,无法向…
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