- In Toronto, some artists, critics, and collectors eperience a short holiday from employment through Canada's various emergency response benefits (CERB, CRB). During this period of euberance and uncertainty, they grow into new ideas and ways of thinking, as the old forms are no longer satisfying.
- 故事讲述一宗牵涉六个受害人的谋杀案,他们被肢解并缝合成一个怪诞的尸体,尸体被称为「Ragdoll」。这宗震惊社会的案件由刚回复职务的伦敦警察厅侦缉警长Nathan Rose (Henry Lloyd-Hughes饰)、前者好友兼上司侦缉警长Emily Bater (Thalissa Teieira饰)以及警员Lake Edmunds(Lucy Hale饰演)负责调查;当「尸偶杀手」为了嘲笑警…