搜索 Linck

  •   伴遊女郎愛麗絲前男友車禍身亡,迫使她與拋棄多年的六歲兒子重逢,她用來保護自己的高牆也瞬間崩毀。不但難以維持自主的生活,長年壓抑的情緒也潰堤。儘管人人都渴望安全感,但有些人卻害怕與他人親密接觸,主角愛麗絲則在兩者間擺盪與掙扎;母子親密似乎天經地義,但假如你情緒上就是無法做到呢?如果沒有一起生活過,血緣關係是否有意義?…
  • With three sullen daughters in tow, a hapless father returns to his hometown to discover the residents are under attack by genetically-engineered snakehead fish.
  • 16 岁辍学女孩妮娜,与母亲生活在法国南部一个小山村,平日在恐龙主题观光游览区打着零工。有一天,她亲眼看到陨石落在她家后面的山上。她对好友的哥哥莫拉德一见钟情,不理劝告,与莫拉德在一起。可是,莫拉德的大男子主义,与妮娜张扬不羁的个性,令这段感情变得痛苦和复杂,直至莫拉德选择不辞而別,去阿尔及利亚找他的父亲。相思消沉,妮娜…
  • A sexy, revealing journey into the heart of erotic comic strips, SEX IN THE COMIX examines the colorful history of a unique and risqué art form. Through special editions by masters of the genre and provocative new works from a young genera…
  • Follows people heading for a better place on either side of the ocean. Although at times their paths do cross, they never really seem to meet.
  • 在城市長大的小男孩尼拉,被父親送到山中,與久未謀面的媽媽、妹妹同住,還要生活在充滿動物的遊牧部落,只好將自己武裝成難以親近的刺蝟。沒想到在尋找迷路馴鹿的過程中,他與新家人在森林裡共同經歷了不可思議的冒險,漸漸蛻變成一個天不怕地不怕的勇氣小男孩!自幼立志成為兒童電影導演的梅克敏克林克斯普,以充滿自然情懷與童趣想像的視覺語…
  • Jocke has grown up in one of Stockholm's rough suburbs. Nowadays he spends the daytime getting into trouble at school and going into Stockholm in the evenings and getting into even more trouble. After being sentenced to prison he meets Tony. After their release they begin a series of robberies.Read more at http://movie…