搜索 Lindén

  • <p>  本X是本(格雷格·提姆曼斯 Greg Timmermans 饰)在游戏《霸王》里的名字,游戏里他技压群雄、所向披靡。然而现实中的本却是一个患有自闭症的少年,沉默寡言的他在同学们眼中犹如异类并且受尽那帮同学的欺负和侮辱。本时常幻想着自己就是游戏里面的勇士,可是现实的残酷却将一切幻想纷纷击碎。本游走于现实和游戏的之间,两者的界…
  • 剧情片青春
  • <p>  帕斯卡(Bernhard Bulling 饰)和永健(吕聿来 饰)是漂在香港的两个年轻人。帕斯卡来自瑞士,靠做街头艺人和小偷小摸维持生活;永健来自北京,是一家烧腊店的外卖伙计。两个陌生人在陌生的城市不期而遇,发展出一段心动的爱情。然而快乐却是短暂而伤感的,最终因为帕斯卡的一场意外而化做泡沫。很多年后永健单身前往瑞士去追寻爱…
  • 剧情片剧情
  • After burning out in the city, Will Shipe is summoned back home where he uncovers dark truths about his family and the town he grew up in.
  • The Sun Island is an essay film using home movies and interviews to document a historic love triangle among architects. Time and place: Frankfurt and Berlin between the wars (1927-1935), during WWII (1940-46) and in the present (2008-2018).
  • When Greipr, a young alcoholic is released from his rehabilitation he enter the world with a newly lit optimism. During rehab he met Lea, a single mother who is currently in a conflict with the social services regarding the custody of her daughter. Greipr tries to help Lea, together they start dreaming of a better life…
  • John teaches spanish in Taiwan. And he is Korean. He wants to help students to communicate better. But ironically he himself is poor at communicating. He always has hard time to get along with others in daily life. One day, he realizes that he doesn't like talking with others but talking to himself. So he gets confused…