搜索 Lindo

  • 七个年轻人去一个荒凉的森林寻找熊,他们不知道的是,一个疯狂的越南老兵住在那里,他正在等待新鲜的血液……
  • A mystery dreamlike portrait of a movie star's harrowing ordeal in the making of a film. This is about Liz Alindogan, then 19-year old naive newbie star, and director Celso Ad Castillo dubbed as Philippine cinema's messiah. It is structured as a mystery film, making viewers question whether to believe the account of Li…
  • 人丁兴旺大家庭
  • Greg Yance因贩卖毒品和携带超过5克毒品被捕。监狱人满为患,充满了暴力。作为第一次重罪犯,他可以接受120天的训练营,而不是5年的监禁。训练营很难。
  • Two underdogs ,Gaspard and Robinson ,welcome an old woman ,Mamie, whose family has left on the roadside. These outsiders try to pick up the pieces and to do an old house up in order to open a refreshment room while never losing their Joie De Vivre .There are in our society people who got a raw deal . Robinson falls in …
  • Estranged sisters Virginia (Krista Bridges) and Blithe (Melinda Clarke) couldn't be more different. Virginia is a sedate housewife, while Blithe is a glamorous over-the-top party girl. When Virginia's husband dies suddenly, Blithe convinces her to fly across country and visit her. But Blithe has other plans than a simp…
  • 《背蓝书包的小女孩》是墨西哥影史上最经典的儿童片,曾在墨西哥国内创下观看人数最高纪录,几乎每个墨西哥小孩都曾看过这部影片,童年时对电影的美好回忆。这部影片在81年又拍了续集,同样获得了成功。One of the most popular and successful family films in Mexican history tells the story of the love…
  • 《背蓝书包的小女孩》是墨西哥影史上最经典的儿童片,曾在墨西哥国内创下观看人数最高纪录,几乎每个墨西哥小孩都曾看过这部影片,童年时对电影的美好回忆。这部影片在81年又拍了续集,同样获得了成功。The story of young love and the hope of friendship. This movie is such a sweet heart. I saw it whe…