搜索 Lippe

  • 卡洛琳是一位法官的妻子,也是著名欧洲马拉车锦标赛的冠军。这一天,卡洛琳正在参加本地马拉车赛。卡洛琳驾驶着马拉车奔驰在优美的林阴大道上,她的两匹白色的欧洲纯种马非常的漂亮,她和她的副手在经过一处水坑时,马拉车翻了,卡洛琳和她的副手怎样也扶不起翻倒的马车,这时,后面的选手赶了上了,超过了他们,取得了冠军。卡洛琳去医院检查身…
  • 贫穷的贵族和自由思想家唐·塞萨尔·德·巴赞被判处死刑。在他死前,国王的大臣唐·何塞请求他与一个陌生人结婚并给予她贵族头衔……
  • Salvatore "Toto" Cangemi(Antonio Sabato) is a sicilian who has made it big in Milan as a crime boss, his area being prostitution. He is approached by a French crime boss know as "Le Capitaine" he wants to go into business with Toto using his hookers to sell his drugs, only problem is the French aren…
  • 在二战即将结束的时候,动物园的教授的孙女和儿子来做客。教授因为懦弱而自责,并于儿子发生了争吵。儿子一气之下开车走了,随即被德国人拦截,因为走私火腿和抵抗运动的人一起被枪毙了。教授把孙女留在了身边,并且谎称儿子也是抵抗运动,在外省作战……在爷孙的日常交往中,教授逐渐找到了勇气,小女孩儿也渐渐明白了父亲的秘密。。。
  • Around the year 1500, the Italian priest Don Filippo Neri helps street kids and orphans in his poor little chapel. He is no clergyman by the book, but a true believer in terms good and bad and he teaches this to his children. Neri is not very well-seen by the church and his only "friend" is the dry, humorless…
  • Michel Piccoli stars as an amorous dentist whose philandering seemingly knows no bounds. He is no sooner shooing such lovelies as Anna Karina and Elsa Martinelli out the back door than he is welcoming such "new blood" as Joanna Shimkus into his living room. When Shimkus demands a commitment, Piccoli runs home…
  • 四十出头的克莱尔·安德里厄是个天性阳光、人见人爱的单身女人,直到相熟客户布鲁诺邀请她共进晚餐时,潜藏心底的重大秘密开始浮上水面。法国导演奥利维尔·亚罕对其2015年拍摄的轻喜剧《沙之堡》中一个毫不起眼的小角色克莱尔深入挖掘,从而衍生出全新故事线。影片延续了亚罕诗意、浪漫、幽默的法式风格,表现隐藏在温柔女主时而爆发的疯狂行为…
  • 卡米尔,一个年轻的,乡土的,无产阶级的男人为Hélène Courtray工作,她仍然美丽迷人。她是一个老练、有教养和富有的女人,她让他照顾她过去几年一直自愿锁在房间里的与世隔绝的儿子……