搜索 Lombardo

  • By Jesse Miller, MoreHorror.comWatching Writer/Director Domiziano Cristopharo’s House Of Flesh Mannequins is like experiencing a lengt hy nightmare from which you cannot wake – and I mean that in the best possible way.As the viewer, we are…
  • 何謂黑幫協定?當年,義大利政府向黑手黨讓步,目的是終結社會上的流血事件。但究竟是誰暗殺了反黑手黨的法官法爾科內以及博爾塞利諾?黑手黨與政治界、天主教會、警方之間糾纏不清的牽連,我們究竟知道多少?本片集結一班優秀演員,重現義大利政府與黑手黨立下協定時的種種事件,讓觀眾一睹背後真相。片中角色包括黑手黨成員、秘密探員、政府人…
  • 脱狱之王第二季
    该片由《越狱》的制片人Matt Olmstead和Nick Santora联手打造,第二季中将继续讲述联邦法警突破常规,与罪犯合作追捕逃犯的故事。常言道“以其人之道还治其人之身”。老道的联邦法警Charlie Duchamp和Ray Zancanelli深知逃犯的严重危险性,也厌倦了各种条条框框,烦透了过时的法纪法规,常规办法周期长,见效慢。所以他们采用了一种另类的追踪方…
  • 脱狱之王第一季
    查理(拉兹·阿隆索 Laz Alonso 饰)和雷(多米尼克·隆巴多兹 Domenick Lombardozzi 饰)是两名经验十分丰富的法警,面对越来越多的越狱事件,他们深深感到变革的必要,对于他们来说,能够成功追捕罪犯的最佳人选并不是警察,而是罪犯本身。就这样,一个秘密小组在查理和雷的管理下被组织了起来。心理学家劳埃德(吉米·辛普森 Jimmi S…
  • Hipólito Vázquez is an old talent's scout, that, among his loyal partner Cholo, is looking for a little child whose supposed to "do magic with the football". Therefore they go on a long journey to the distant Club "La Cameli…
  • An incredible spy story set in Tunis but actually shot in Rome and the surroundings. It has no meaning and no script. The actors are simply ridiculous and seem to be on the set by chance. I can hardly write about playing, since nobody seemed to play, they just stared at the camera and spoke. An ultra-low budget movie, …
  • 理查(彼得·萨斯加德 Peter Sarsgaard 饰)是一位富有的电脑工程师,整日和电脑与网络打交道的生活让逐渐减弱了他和人相处的能力,在一次又一次的郁闷和空虚中,他决定改变自己的生活。在一间名为“潘多拉之匣”的俱乐部里,理查邂逅了美艳又性感的脱衣舞娘弗洛伦斯(莫莉·帕克 Molly Parker 饰),财大气粗的理查随即出价一万美元,要求弗洛…
  • 汤尼(Jack Noseworthy 杰克•诺斯沃西 饰)和杰茜(Bethany Bassler 贝瑟妮•拜斯勒 饰)是一对婚姻还算完满的夫妇,所谓“还算完满”,不过是因为他们结婚数年来还没有一儿半女。杰茜是个有些许洁癖的女人,她无法忍受赤裸裸的夫妻生活,所幸汤尼能够充分理解,两人的爱情波澜不惊,而家中的必备品则是成堆的安全套。某天事情发生变化,杰茜突…
  • Mitchell Parker lies dead on a morgue slab. In life, 'Mitchell' served the low ranks of Debt Collectors, surrounded by all the filth and scum that the world had to offer. He thought his luck was in, when on a routine collection he stumbles across 100,000 in cash, hidden in the sofa of one of his clients. A dark and hau…