搜索 Lords

  • 杂志编辑格里芬委派新手记者伊丽莎白调查一位神秘女郎与一个危险男人的恋爱事件。不久后那位女郎人间蒸发,随着伊丽莎白调查的深入,事实真像一层层被剥落,她却身不由己与一位男士发生关系,是对是错。故事并没有给出答案,可事实等着她去发现。这个时候格里芬突然插手进来。案件变的更加云里雾里,到底谁是杀人凶手?
  • 一个美国家庭,男主人已死,剩下一个深爱丈夫又有强烈背叛感的神经质妻子,两个未成年的儿子,打理一个超级农场,养着一群水牛,于是通过类似互惠工机构找到一个挪威男做保姆,就是帮忙放放牛,接孩子上学放学。挪威男是个足球痴,无论去哪做什么都带着他的足球,慢慢在邻里中组建起一队奇怪的足球队。在貌似友好的气氛下,其实民族偏见、歧视暗…
  • 一群不合群的懒汉为了滑雪山的滑雪板权利与一群自负的势利小人战斗。
  • 应召男郎第四季
    Make a date with the GIGOLOS. Showtime presents an extremely rare and uncensored look into the personal and professional lives of five hot guys in Vegas who like to hang out, have fun and get girls, but in their case they get paid for it. They find themselves in some unexpected positions as they balance relationships, …
  • 动作片
    Policewoman Vicki leads a police action against drug dealer Salvador. Salvador gets away, but Vicki acquires his drugs worth $5 million. Due to the many police losses, she is taken of the case and replaced by her husband Al. Nevertheless, she continues to hunt Salvador down who is now making havoc to regain his drugs.
  • A married couple of cat burglars scheme to rob a set of stolen diamonds from the local mafia only to be hampered by persistent police detectives, another scam artist, and a rival mob group.