- Carl Nargle, a local treasure with a soothing whisper of a voice, has been hosting his own painting show on Vermont public television for decades. His art captivates, and has attracted the attention of many women over the years, especially those who work at the station. But Carl is in a rut, and the station isn't pulli…
- 由笑果文化和人民网上海频道联合出品的脱口秀行业全景纪录片《“见笑”——笑有引力》,历时八个月,遍访近百位喜剧演员、编剧、导演、幕后团队,全景式捕捉行业重要事件和焦点人物,揭开帷幕之后的笑声之源。脱口秀到底是什么?他们如何定义它?脱口秀如何落地生根,又是如何茁壮成长?演员和观众、演员和演员之间,如何遇到彼此,治愈彼此?一…