- Follows the Wagatha Christie case, a UK High Court defamation case between Rebekah Vardy and Coleen Rooney. Rooney famously tried to catch out Vardy for selling news stories about her to the tabloids, using sleuth tactics.
- Siamo andati in un campo di rifugiati ucraini evacuati dal Donbass. Solo a bambini e donne fu permesso attraversare la frontiera, per questo il campo era pieno di bambini.
- Saving her city from the wolves, Little Red Riding Hood will have to solve the mystery of the disappearance of her father Wolfboy, face her fears in the eyes and find her destiny.
- 爱情之于生命,是鲜活的热血自由奔腾,还是海市蜃楼无异饮鸩止渴?列夫•托尔斯泰家喻户晓的文学巨著《安娜•卡列尼娜》在一次完美的音乐剧改编中,再度燃起观众的热情。有着92年历史的莫斯科轻歌剧院(The Moscow Operetta Theatre)以一部大胆的《安娜•卡列尼娜》站到了俄罗斯音乐剧的最前线,重写俄罗斯音乐剧票房历史。 罗曼•伊格纳…