  • Reimagined Volume II: Mahal
    VR Inspired by Philippine mythology, the story focuses on Apolaki, Mayari, Tala, and Hanan, the four immortal children of the recently passed creator god, Bathala. As each of these deities wrestle with the grief of losing Bathala, their all-powerful actions create ripples throughout the universe. Can the siblings come…
  • La sorcière et le martien
    Myriam, orpheline, apprend qu’elle va changer de famille d’accueil. Elle est souvent moquée pour sa naïveté, mais cette candeur lui permet de voir ce que d’autres ne voient pas : des animaux qui parlent ou même des sorcières bienvei…
  • 剧情片剧情
    Guy (28 yo) and his best friend Joy are enjoying the gay pride parade to the fullest, when their bliss is abruptly put to an end by a deadly shooting that occurs during the event. Fleeing the scene into the safety of Guy’s home, they take along a fellow pride goer, Dan, who seems to be in shock. With the shooter still …
  • Tropic Fever
    The semi-autobiographical account of a European plantation manager on Sumatra during Dutch colonial rule becomes a starting point for reflections on the structure of the plantation itself. An essay about local tobacco and rubber cultivation, the construction of skin colour as a social category and the "tropic feve…
  • 欧美剧青春
    陈寻和方茴两个人在大学校园里相识,体验了人生中第一次的怦然心动,也开始了长达十几年的羁绊。在从大学到研究生的青春岁月、从千禧年到非典肆虐的年代记忆中间,他们的情感萌动、升华,最后无奈地结束。他们与好友乔然林嘉茉 赵烨一起,曾经共同为爱情矢志不渝,坚守着心中最初的那份纯真,也曾经一起被命运捉弄,因为不愿放弃而被折磨得遍体…
  • 恐怖片青春
    又是一年毕业季,英国某高校大学生聚首进行着毫无底线的大狂欢。期间他们玩起真心话大冒险,羞涩内敛的菲利克斯(汤姆·凯恩 Tom Kane 饰)鼓起勇气向心仪的女孩杰玛(弗洛芮丝·霍尔 Florence Hall 饰)告白,结果不仅被对方婉言拒绝,还遭到洁玛男朋友克里斯(杰克·戈登 Jack Gordon 饰)的殴打和羞辱。时过境迁,某天当年参加过聚会的杰玛、…
  • 欧美剧科幻
    Netflix打造的真人版《星际牛仔》主演卡司确定:约翰·赵、穆斯塔法·沙基尔(《卢克·凯奇》)、丹妮艾拉·皮内达([侏罗纪世界2])、阿历克斯·哈赛尔(《微缩屋工匠》)。原动画导演渡边信一郎任顾问,《猎魔人》导演亚历克斯·加西亚·洛佩兹将知道前两集,[雷神2:黑暗世界]、[雷神3:诸神黄昏]编剧克里斯托弗·约斯特撰写剧本。\r\n  赵饰…
  • The Zoo
    “Ranna, your father has left forever. We will live together from now on”. Ranaa’s mother reveals this news in the zoo. Six-year-old Ranaa has had a dream about a deer, which ran away from the zoo that day and its cage was empty.
  • 岛上的折磨
    共和国高级专员De Roller在法属波利尼西亚的大溪地岛工作,他是一个举止完美、极有心计的人,能通过官方招待会之类的场合,精准地把握怒气可能随时爆发的当地民众的脉搏。此时,人群中流传着一个谣言:有人曾经看到一座潜水艇幽灵般的身影,这很可能预示着法国即将重启核试验。