- 该剧讲述了Alice曾经也是布莱切利的一员,现在她面临谋杀的指控,马上要被处以绞刑。Jean找回Susan、Millie和Lucy,帮助Alice洗清罪名,却揭开了更深的内幕。Susan离开英国前往印度,开始全新的生活,Millie却因为做黑市交易陷入了巨大的麻烦,甚至会有性命之忧。
- In the series, Inci (Nilsu Berfin Aktaş), the apple of her family's eye, is a scholarship student at Ulusözler College. She gets pregnant by Mert (Eren Ören), her classmate, who is also the son of the owner of the school she attends. The …
- 彼得·卡斯卡达(Peter Cascada)是一名非常有男子气概的歌手。时隔23年后,他从迈阿密返回阿根廷开演唱会,在阿根廷期间他必须处理好和兄弟、旧情人和变性人儿子的关系。
- Keith Neville and Dan Casey, two small-time stage actors, are traveling by bus back two New York City, and have an overnight stay in a small town. They take a room in a local hotel and a murder is committed in an adjoining room to Keith. The latter hears the gunfire, goes to investigate and is there when the local poli…