- An unkown entity has hacked into a Soviet missile and aimed it at the United States. With just minutes before Mutually Assured Destruction, an American military industrialist and a Soviet nuclear commander race against the clock to prevent a nation from nuclear annihilation. Unbeknownst to them his threat is just the b…
- 本影集由勇奪金球獎和英國電影電視藝術學院的瑞奇吉瓦斯和史蒂芬莫徹特執導。\r\n 你可曾遇到過自認為最風趣的老闆?你可曾因為和某位按部就班的同事共事而讓你苦不堪言?你又可曾偷偷地暗戀某人?而你又是如何告訴對方你的感受呢?\r\n 辦公室笑雲是部真實揭露上班族生活的幽默喜劇,隨著經理大衛布蘭特以及他的部署,看他們如何努力打拼…
- 在今年的Macworld 2009上,有两部关于Mac的纪录片首次被搬上屏幕。一部是MacHEADS,另一部是Welcome to Macintosh。关于Welcome to Macintosh,它由Josh Rizzo 和 Rob Baca制作,忠实的记录了苹果和Mac的一些历史轶事,由一系列人物访谈组成。该纪录片公映后反响强烈,人们对此进行了有趣的讨论。电影涉及的五位人物也亲临现场并登台回答了观众…
- Golden Globe nominee Dom DeLuise accompanies a young friend on safari in Africa, where a talking chimp named Bonzo soon gets the small party into big trouble.