搜索 Mahdavi

  • A poignant yet understated film which focuses on the everyday hardships of an isolated Iranian community on the border with Afghanistan, Delbaran centres on the story of a 14-year Afghan refugee working in a truck stop in the 'town' which gives its name to the film. The film is unusual in having very little dialogue an…
  • A woman whose husband in jail is trying hardly to manage the cafe restaurant she has opened with her husband. She also tries to compromise to get her husband released but things are not going as she is planning to.
  • 影片一開始便強調這是完全真實的故事。Reza監獄裡過了很多年,整個青年時期都給了囚禁歲月。他只上過兩年學校,因為多次偷竊被捕,在監獄裡待了十六年。他的狀況很不好,常常和牢友起紛爭,也不在意自己的生活狀況,也不想未來,在監獄裡的生活毀了他的生活想像。典獄長看不下去他這個樣子,就找Reza懇談,希望他可以穩定下來,別再惹是生非,因…