搜索 Mahmoud

  • If you were to ask a group of film experts which country is currently the least appropriate setting for a hilarious, truly wacky romantic comedy, the chances are that Saudi Arabia would come out on top. But their guesses would be wrong, as Barakah yoqabil Barakah provides more than enough evidence to the contrary. He’s…
  • It's 1997 and Afghanistan is controlled by the Taliban. Seventeen-year-old Jalil Nazari finds refuge in Iran, where he ekes out an existence doing odd jobs. One day luck comes his way and he lands the starring role in an Iranian feature film.
  • 这部影片讲述了发生在一个在德黑兰工厂工作的伊朗小伙与一个阿富汗工人的女儿之间的爱情故事。
  • 深度多特蒙德第一季
    Documentary series chronicles the 2018/19 season of Germany's football team Borussia Dortmund.
  • 影片讲述发生在伊朗北部的边境小城中,四个穿插而有趣的故事。其中一个讲智障年轻人的故事很特别。他终日牵着一匹驴,拿驴子当宠物,照料十分细心,这显得很滑稽。他父母都早已离开了这个边境城市。他是由舅舅带大的,他的舅舅开一间服装店,生意很萧条,而这个年轻人一点帮不上他的舅舅。他舅舅整天的生活也是极其单调,商店里一直放着一个女模…
  • Haramielwaraka
  • One of his most controversial films, THE SPARROW was written by Chahine in collaboration with avant-gardist Lofti el-Kholi. Set during the 1967 Six Day War between Israel and the United Arab Republic this story of familial and national divisions has become one of Chahine's most popular films in festivals and retrospect…
  • 在罗马人统治的埃及,腐败的彼得罗尼乌斯政府引发了一场由El Kabir领导的起义,一个年轻人得知自己实际上是克利奥帕特拉和朱利叶斯·凯撒的儿子。当彼得罗尼乌斯刚从罗马来的女儿——利维娅,落在了他的手中,El Kabir利用这个机会把她争取到他的身边,然后把她交给她的父亲。然而,利维亚促进和平的努力受到了阻挠,只有屋大维·凯撒的到来才能…
  • 即使在衝突不斷的阿富汗,仍有一群熱愛電影的人正全力搶救他們的電影史。阿富汗電影中心從老舊倉庫翻出八千多小時的蒙塵膠卷,一邊尋求修復資金與保存方法,一邊需要提防隨時隨地發生的自殺炸彈威脅。在外界勢力與塔利班掌權的陰影下,阿富汗的電影藝術與自由一同遭到扼殺。上一代影迷冒著生命危險將膠卷藏起,下一代影迷接手修復曾經的耀眼光影…