搜索 Maksimovic

  • 一个南斯拉夫女人悲惨而快乐的婚姻生活的写照:不幸的第一次婚姻、失去两个孩子并无法再生育、被丈夫赶出家里... 尽管经历了这么多的苦难和痛失, 偶而会变得有些迷信,但佩特里娅仍坚强地生活着。在埋葬她的第一个孩子时,佩特里娅和丈夫将一只活鸡一起葬在坟墓中,期望如此能令生活少一些痛苦,然而现实并不如愿...
  • How easy is it for desperate youngsters to become dangerous gangsters in a decaying society washed all over by the blood of war? Fairly easy indeed. Rane shows incidents, probably somewhat facts, that took place in Serbia of the war era. Things similar to what you see on this film could happen virtually everywhere, but…
  • Bor, Serbia, once the largest copper mine, now just the biggest hole in Europe. Small union protests are going on. Toda and Stefan are best friends, skaters, who spend their first summer after finishing high school. Stefan's going to Belgrade to the University in fall. Toda says he wouldn't apply to the University even…
  • based upon Gurdjieff's book, Meetings with Remarkable Men is the story of his search through the Middle East and Central Asia for answers to the question of the meaning of life. The film, directed by Peter Brook, was made on location in the mountains and deserts of Afghanistan, and has been widely acclaimed for its uni…
  • 主要情节来自真实事件,影片从1994年的一所医院里两名受伤青年的回忆始,两人从小就是好朋友,一个是塞尔维亚人,另一个是穆斯林。1992年南斯拉夫发生种族冲突,使得两人的友谊受到严峻考验。塞尔维亚巡逻兵和一名美国记者被一群穆斯林民兵困在一个连接贝尔格莱德的隧道里昔日的朋友如今因为属于不同的种族而成为死敌,他们一困就是好多天,缺水…
  • 恐怖片犯罪
    米基·洛克将参演全新犯罪题材影片[暮色渐浓](Twilight Into Darkness,暂译),与此同时他还将担任影片制片人。布莱恩`梅特卡夫自编自导。故事讲述洛克饰演的侦探追查谋杀儿童的凶手,当然期间他还要处理自己过往琐事,以及内心的挣扎。该片摄影工作将于明年展开。