搜索 Marianna

  • 驿站长是一个心地非常善良的老头子,每一天,驿站长都要接待很多来投奔他的人,不仅要照顾他们的吃喝,有时候还要充当心灵导师的角色,甚至有时候还要成为有些人泄愤的无辜靶子。一天,一位名叫明斯基的上尉抵达了驿站,在准备离开之时竟然晕倒了,驿站长的女儿冬妮娅照料着失去了知觉的明斯基,在她的精心照顾之下,明斯基苏醒了。   明斯基…
  • After killing her husband, Nathalie Baldassari is sent to prison for10years. During this stay of torture, Nathalie beginsexperiencingmental-health problems and concentrates her hatred towardsevery woman.Out of prison a series of brutal killings starts inVenezia. Her lastvictim finds her diary and tells us the story ofs…
  • 影片改编自冒险家贝纳·金斯伯格同名畅销冒险小说,讲述他及其两位伙伴深入亚马逊丛林寻找失落黄金,险象环生的三周真实求生之旅。
  • 恐怖片
    A young woman goes searching for her missing artist father. Her journey takes her to a strange Californian seaside town governed by a mysterious undead cult
  • A dark comedy chronicling the trials and tribulations of a small circus troupe who visit the West Bank. When a lion escapes the camp, an unlikely alliance is forged between Russian lion tamer Mariana (Evgenia Dudina), Israelis Sergeant Bleiberg (Yoram Hatav), and a young Arab boy (Yousef Ibrahim), who join forces in a …
  • Imre Nagy led Hungary's 1956 revolution and was executed after its defeat. His name remained taboo for some 30 years, his political activity the subject of controversy and heated debate – up until his complete personal rehabilitation and that of his political legacy. THE UNBURIED MAN was among the first gestures to pay…
  • 猪与珍珠——马卡维耶夫煽动佳作 小女孩问动物园的猴子:你为什么住在这里?这里比你原来住的地方好吗?猴子面无表情。 玛里琳是个家庭主妇,整天在家搞卫生,伺候轮椅上的老爷爷和两个儿女,老公马丁每日工作,对玛里琳的性要求也十分冷淡,受到压抑的玛里琳时常显得有点异样。 (.......省略 自己想吧) 玛里琳终于回家了,全家和阿萨姆医生围坐…
  • Description: Premiere of this production: April 25, 2007Libretto by Modest Mussorgsky, based on Alexander Pushkin’s play of the same nameSung in Russian.Presented with three interval (with Sokurov explaining the process of work on the play…
  • 爱情片剧情
    年轻空姐卡珊卓任职于廉航,每日飞往不同城市却从不观光,只想流连电音派对、沉迷酒精或在交友软体找对象。对公司来说,她是无可挑剔的员工;恪遵每条工作指南、达成每项销售目标、答应每次加班要求,甚至不声援同仁的工会活动。但在她耐心对待麻烦乘客,亲切服务倍受赞扬的完美妆容下,却没人察觉她眼底的那抹悲伤。 双导演对空服员一职细心考…