- At fictitious Tait University in the Roaring 20's, co-ed and school librarian Connie Lane (June Allyson) falls for football hero Tommy Marlowe (Peter Lawford). Unfortunately, he has his eye on gold-digging vamp Pat McClellan. Tommy's grades start to slip, which keeps him from playing in the big game. Connie eventually …
- 这部全新“星战”动画系列《星球大战:反叛军》的故事发生在介于《星战》第三章和第四章之间(摧毁最后的绝地武士的帝国反击战)的纪元。而《星球大战:克隆战争》动画系列片导演戴夫·费罗尼将出任这部全新动画系列的监制。片中的艺术概念则将采用曾为“星战”系列电影设计过经典角色和场景的 已故科幻大师拉尔夫·麦考瑞的作品。《星球大战:…