搜索 Marusa

  • <p>  在智力发展障碍青少年疗护中心里,玛利亚(玛鲁萨·马杰尔 Marusa Majer 饰)遇见了德拉加纳,一拍即合的两人很快就成为了彼此生命力最重要的伙伴。当一个名为罗伯特(戈兰·波格丹 Goran Bogdan 饰)的男人出现在了两个姑娘的世界里后,她们双双无法自持的坠入了情网。这段三角恋情给玛利亚和德拉加纳之间的友谊带来了裂痕。&l…
  • The movie chronicles the events of history's "man of mystery," Rasputin. Although not quite historically accurate and little emphasis is put on the politics of the day, Rasputin's rise to power and eventual assassination are depicted in an attempt to explain his extraordinary power and influence.
  • 喜剧片生活
    某宗教团体天之道法人代表鬼泽铁平(三国连太郎 饰)籍着宗教法人不用纳税的法律漏洞作掩护,将从其他行业得来的黑金以宗教名义藏匿起来,并且过着奢华淫糜的生活。国税局得知消息,派出侦查科的坂仓亮子(宫本信子 饰)调查此案。亮子与东大毕业的新人三岛(益岡徹 饰)几经周折,艰难取证,然鬼泽狡猾非常,调查工作困难重重。另一方面,鬼泽…
  • 为了满足自己不断膨胀的虚荣心,年轻的阿莱克桑达(Nina Ivanisin 饰)走上了出卖肉体换取金钱的道路,一次交易中,阿莱克桑达那年迈的客户突发心脏病去世了,从此,阿莱克桑达便成为了报纸和新闻里身份神秘的“斯洛文尼亚女郎”。通过卖淫,阿莱克桑达积攒了一笔小钱,她在市区买了一幢公寓,没想到厄运降临了,阿莱克桑达被两名黑帮分子劫持,…
  • The movie chronicles the events of history's "man of mystery," Rasputin. Although not quite historically accurate and little emphasis is put on the politics of the day, Rasputin's rise to power and eventual assassination are depicted in an attempt to explain his extraordinary power and influence.