- In June 2021, Marvel Studios released a casting call for fans of "Marvel's strong women" to be a part of an upcoming Disney+ documentary series showcasing the women who create the MCU in front of and behind the camera.[428] The series was titled MPower by February 2023 and was announced to premiere in its ent…
- 《漫威 未来复仇者联盟》是由日本华特迪士尼时隔三年推出的日本TV动画。本作讲述的是钢铁侠、美国队长、浩克、雷神托尔、黄蜂女组成的最强队伍“复仇者联盟”将“邪恶遗传基因”产生出的超能力孩子诚等人收为弟子。他们以“未来·复仇者联盟”为名,一面与邪恶势力战斗,一边成长为英雄。
- 在本片的故事中,为祸已久的九头蛇海蛟集团妄想夺取无敌浩克的伽玛能量来颠覆世界,于是收买了浩克的宿敌恶煞,将浩克囚禁在电厂要吸收他的能量,没想到伽玛能量实在太强大了,意外创造出一个纯能量的大怪物-煞克斯,完全没有任何人可以控制住他。另一方面,钢铁人东尼史塔克也侦测到伽玛能量异常释放而前来调查,不料竟被煞克斯控制住他的空中…
- The Avengers gather to celebrate their latest victory, but their celebration is quickly interrupted by the mysterious disappearance of Black Widow’s father, Red Guardian. As the Avengers investigate, they discover that Red Guardian isn’t t…