搜索 Masé

  • Drifting effortlessly between raw psychological realism and dreamy surrealism and loaded with unique Cuban archive footage, this film portrays three generations of Cubans. In their apartment in the workers’ quarters at a half-built nuclear power station, they are forced to simply carry on. A fresh voice from, and about…
  • Farhad kiani is a young wealthy and proud man, he is having some issues and not feeling happy with his wife Sara. Farhad is so busy with his work and he doesnt know that saeed, his old and good friend, is dealing with his daughter's illness. Saeed asked several times for Farhad's helps, but as busy as he is he didn't u…
  • What unfolds in the posh lanes of a Delhi school? Where will their lives take them? The questions, for now, are unanswered, but they will be answered real soon.
  • 作案手法第一季
    During a snowy Christmas season in Sweden, psychologist and profiler Inger Johanne Vik finds not only herself but also her autistic daughter drawn into the investigation of a number of disturbing deaths, through which she meets detective Ingvar Nymann at the Stockholm Police. Nymann is dispatched to Uppsala to investig…
  • 美國假釋犯來到南非約翰尼斯堡,希望與前妻重修舊好。預先租好的車子原本應該在機場等他,但租車公司卻給了他不同的車。不知情的他決定不跟租車公司計較,上了車之後,一連串不可思議的事件接二連三發生…。車上的一支神秘手機、一通神秘簡訊、一把手槍、後車廂一個被綑綁的陌生女子,引發全市警察的窮追不捨,讓他陷入前所未有的危機!握緊方向…
  • 十六岁的波比因为母亲早逝而心理受创。他不小心导致了一位修女的死亡,这引发了一连串的超自然事件,最终将他引向了地狱的深渊。
  • The film begins with an episode in 1279 AD, when the successor of the last great Chola Emperor, pending invasion, sends his people to a mystery location, to survive the threat. The story resumes with an archaeologist, a coolie and a member of the army going in search of the archaeologist's father to the ruined city tha…
  • 这是发生在澳洲南方的惊世骇俗版欲望城市。在小镇习惯性漫天飞卷的黄沙里,隐约可辨认出棕发女孩木讷无奈的表情。她是露西亚。应该是美好明亮的豆蔻年华,却在外遇出走的父亲与歇斯底里的母亲奋力演出一场猛烈纠缠的分手戏码之后,完全毁于一旦。丈夫琵琶别抱,拒绝接受事实的萝拉为了泄愤,无所不用其极。她剪去露西亚的长发,杀光露西亚养的鸽…
  • 纪录片音乐
    The Harlem Cultural Festival和著名的伍德斯托克音乐节在同一个夏天举行,超过30万人参加,但如此盛大的音乐节却鲜有主流媒体报道。该纪录片回顾了当时的盛况