- Basia: Three Short Stories is an extremely intimate and personal film about aging and passing, in which the title character prepares for the performance of her life.
- The Polish-Hungarian coproduction by Sebastian Buttny. The action of the film occurs in the 80's, Poland. Andrzej Baran, a Citizens' Militia lieutenant, is assigned to the most difficult case he has ever had to face in his career. Nobody seems to want him to solve the mystery. The main cast includes Mateusz Kościukiewi…
- 大川一心想压压张弓的心气,但令大川没有想到的是,张弓竟然每一个单人项目的成绩都在他这个专业消防员之上,而且每次大川都还来不及治张弓,就会被张弓先治一番。张弓的队员们为了给张弓争气,也专心训练,不让大川他们这些专业消防员把他们看扁了。但是没有想到正式比赛的时候,他们却输掉了……张弓这个纨绔子弟能否面对从来没有人敢指出的,…