- 战场上最致命的武器不是子弹或枪炮,而是孤身一人的狙击手。本节目由在越南、伊拉克和阿富汗执行狙击任务的狙击手主持,介绍了世界上最高超的狙击手,让观众了解军事史上最伟大的猎杀背后的科学和心理。加拿大狙击手Robert Furlong首次在美国电视上讲述了自己在阿富汗的历史性猎杀——从1.5里外击中了塔利班分子。本特别节目生动地详述了狙击手…
- Mr. Brenner makes a down payment on a house. The house's owners, Cissie and Johanna Enright say that they don't want to sell. He threatens them with a lawsuit, but is poisoned. He collapses and the sisters discuss what they should do. Joanna wants to finish him off more poison while Cissie prefers a gun. Brenner revive…