- 祖宾梅塔·巴伦波因·布列兹等大师联合推荐2004年第22届加拿大蒙特娄影展最佳记录片亚马逊网站★★★★★推荐阿巴多被誉为当代最伟大的指挥家之一,他1933年出生于米兰音乐世家、1965年以马勒《复活 》震惊乐坛、接连掌控史卡拉歌剧院音乐总监、维也纳爱乐终身指挥、柏林爱乐音乐总监等全球最 重要乐团的龙头地,然而1999年不幸证实了罹患胃癌而…
- When Hugo Chávez stormed to power in Venezuela in 1998 he promised to transform the lives of the poor. But now 20 years on, 90 percent of families in Venezuela say they do not have enough to eat - and the United Nations predicts that over …
- JESUS CRIES is a modern adaptation of the New Testament. The story is set in a fictitious metropolis in the near future. The First and Third Worlds are reflected in one city. The divide between poor and wealthy continually grows. As insurrection begins, Jesus of Nazareth becomes the political and spiritual force behind…